Specific aspects of corporate culture formation in state-run institutions in the current context

  • Metlyaeva T.V.

    Metliaeva T.V.,Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Popova Е.А.

    Popova Е.А., Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


This article discusses the approaches to the formation of organizational culture of public institutions in modern conditions. The main concepts of the research are analyzed. Similar notions are compared and the connection of corporate culture and corporate image are traced. The authors pay special attention to the main functions of corporate culture. The typology and principles of corporate culture formation in state-run institutions are set up. The possibility of using various methods to identify the values of the organization, to measure the behavioral norms or expectations of the carriers of this culture, to identify its predominant type is demonstrated.   The article presents the results of a study devoted to the study of the features of improving the culture of public institutions. Necessity of active activity of the management of the organization on formation of organizational culture of the enterprise is proved. It is noted that the activities of a large organization, including a number of large units should be aimed at continuous interaction with branches, analysis and improvement of organizational and corporate culture.  The presented analysis and the list of developed and implemented measures to improve the culture of public institutions, proves their importance.

Keywords:  corporate  culture,  corporate  identity,  corporate  culture  types  and  functions,
state-run institution, corporate event.